Top Tip: Phonic Phones

Phonic phones are incredibly simple devices. They are a simple plastic tube that go from the mouth to the ear and allow the reader to hear the sounds they are making. There is a great article HERE on the benefits of phonic phones and how to make your own! Phonic Phones  can also be bought  from many special needs catalogs (very cheaply).

Wendy uses them on a regular basis and has found them to be incredibly effective … in fact she is such an advocate that she often doles them out as gifts to schools she visits!  Every home and school should have one.

I particularly like the design below which allows you to change the direction of the end pieces so you can listen to others more easily.


  1. Our pupils who come for one to one lessons twice a week really enjoy your Talisman series. But the sad thing is that many of them have finished the series and would like similar decodable and yet more grown up looking stories to read. Could you do another series following on from Talisman??

    1. Hi Rebecca,

      We are currently working on the next Talisman series. The set will include more difficult spellings such alternative spellings for ‘s’, ‘j’ and ‘f’ and suffixes ‘tion’ and ‘ture’ etc. We thought we would have a bit more text in the next set.

      An comments on what your pupils need would be much appreciated.


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