Schools white paper – good news for phonics

Some of us may not agree with the coalition’s plans for free schools but, for us phonics enthusiasts, it looks like some good things may come of the new schools white paper.

These are some important policies on the teaching of reading in the white paper:

1. ( 4.16) “Teaching of systematic synthetic phonics is the most-effective way of teaching young children to read or for those at risk of having problems with reading.”

This means that children who are having problems need more synthetic phonics – not something else that’s less effective!

2.(4.16) “We will provide the resources to support the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics in primary schools. We will support all schools with Key Stage 1 pupils to implement this approach by providing funding for high-quality training and classroom teaching resources.”

Hopefully, training of all teachers will be better and more resources will be available. But what about Key Stage 2 teachers? They’re the ones who see pupils having problems further up the school.

3. (4.17) “We will also reform teacher training to ensure that trainee teachers have the confidence to teach systematic synthetic phonics.”

At last! Tackle those woolly-thinking tutors in teacher-training colleges!

4. (4.18) “We will introduce an age-six reading check. This screening exercise will be designed to check that children are on track and to help schools to identify those who need more support.”

This a bit problematic. Yes, a screening test is a good idea. Too many children have reached secondary school without identification and support, but are all 6-year-olds developmentally ready?

Please join the debate. What are your views on these policies?

Tami Reis-Frankfort

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