Questions about the efficacy of phonics

If you are not convinced that phonics works for everyone or feel that you have tried it and still some of your pupils struggle – here are answers to often held views about teaching to read with synthetic phonics.  Professor Pamela Snow addresses each argument.

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Why no one can really multi task

Young people today are obsessed with social media, constantly switching from school work to Facebook, texting, Instagram or whatever the latest cool gadget is on their phones.  How does this affect their learning? They tell their parents and teachers that they are multi-tasking.  But is this actually true? Read this  interesting article by David Didau about this important issue.  This had added […]

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It’s time all teachers had a good grasp of synthetic phonics

Five years after the introduction of synthetic phonics into classrooms, it is time that teachers made it their business to have a good understanding of synthetic phonics and what science tells us about effective ways to teach reading. Read this short article on the Phonics Blog by  Mike Lloyd-Jones.

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Essentials that NQTs need to know about teaching reading

Are NQTs equipped with what they absolutely need to know about reading when they leave Teacher Training? John Walker discusses ‘threshold concepts’ – the fundamentals that a teacher needs to master in order to be able to teach reading effectively.  These include an understanding of how the English Phonic Code is structured and what  skills children must practice […]

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One Word at a Time – Teaching Vocabulary – The Confident Teacher

This blog is a copy of my recent Teach Secondary article (click on the link HERE to subscribe) on the importance of vocabulary, with some handy teaching and learning strategies. Source: One Word at a Time – Teaching Vocabulary – The Confident Teacher

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