Why comparing Finnish and USA teaching of reading is not helpful

Here is an article that lists the social and cultural differences between Finland and the USA and why the USA can’t just import “the Finnish way”. What we know is, that teaching all children to read with systematic synthetic phonics is the way to bridge the social gaps and get all children reading. This article […]

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Independent review of new ‘Dandelion Readers’ and ‘Rescue’ series

Thank you Melinda Crean, of Top Notch Teaching website, for reviewing the ‘Rescue’ series and Dandelion Readers Level 4, ‘Toad and Newt’. To see the review click here and scroll down: http://topnotchteaching.com/reviews/reading-spelling-ideas/

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The importance of alternative spellings

One of the most difficult aspects of the English Alphabetic Code is that a sound in a word (phoneme) can be spelled in different ways. In ‘transparent’ alphabetic codes, a sound is consistently spelled the same way. Children learning to read English soon discover that many vowels and consonants can be spelled in different ways. […]

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