Watch child learning to read with interactive iBook

Here is a video clip of M. (4 yrs) learning to read with Dandelion Launchers iBook. Note how she learns to sound out the words from the iBook and then begins to sound out words independently. This resource can help parents, TAs and SEN pupils with correct pronunciation. It also demonstrates grapheme/phoneme correspondences clearly. It […]

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Evidence for Common Core State Standards in the Totem Series

Towards our visit to the USA as part of the International Dyslexia conference in San Diego, we are letting teachers know how our books for older, catch-up readers support Common Core State Standards in phonics and learning to read.

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Why ‘mixed methods’ scupper mastering the phonic code

Time and again, research has shown that mastering the phonic code is key to successful, fluent reading. The mastery of this knowledge is particularly vital for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Experienced teachers will have observed that some children manage to unscramble the phonic code for themselves, and will learn to read regardless of how they […]

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Rescue series FAQs – who needs a phonic series for girls?

We thought it would be useful to discuss why there is a need for a new phonic series aimed at girls. Here are frequently asked questions about the new Rescue series: Rescue series FAQs Who is this series aimed at? This series is aimed at older, struggling readers ages 8-14 who have gaps in their […]

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Dandelion Hot Dots gets thumbs up from teachers with award

We are delighted to announce that our Dandelion Hot Dots cards won an award from the Primary Teacher Update awards! This product was developed in collaboration with Learning Resources. Dandelion Hot Dots cards were given to two different teachers. They were tried and tested in the classroom. The cards encourage children to practice decoding and […]

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