What to say to phonics sceptics

In the UK, we often hear people making anti-phonics claims in the media. Usually, these demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding of Synthetic Phonics. Mike Lloyd-Jones, in his book Phonics and the Resistance to Reading, lists these incorrect assertions and challenges them. Based on his book, here is how we can answer their claims: “The […]

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Review of Mike Lloyd-Jone’s book ‘Phonics and the Resistance to Reading’

Here is a review on the Literacy blog by John Walker.  This book is a must read book for anyone who believes in literacy for all. http://literacyblog.blogspot.co.uk/  

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What is wrong with ‘look and say’?

Here is an excerpt from Mike Lloyd’s book ‘Phonics and the Resistance to Reading’ (page 42): “Recognising whole words by memorising the appearance of the word (sometimes known as the ‘look-and-say’ approach) is highly problematic.  The capacity to remember words as whole-patterns is highly limited and in any case highly inefficient.  As Professor Martin Kozloff […]

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Are eBooks getting in the way of reading?

This is an important post for teachers, parents and publishers involved in getting children to read: Do eBooks have too much going on the page that distracts from the print? Does the ‘read to me’ option develop ‘look and say’ method of reading instead of decoding?   Thanks to Annie Murphy Paul for flagging this up.  

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10 Myths about Reading Instruction – actually 7/10 myth busters true

Read this article on the’Ten Myths about Reading Intruction’ by Sebastian Wren, PhD.  It was written some time ago.  Since then, phonic programmes have come a long way.   So I don’t believe Myth 3- that phonic programmes are not the answer to teaching read is true any longer. good programmes and good training are absolutely the answer to […]

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