Evidence-based teaching – fantastic reading results using Magic Belt, Totem and Talisman series

The table below shows a set of results sent to us from a teacher who has used our catch-up range Magic Belt, Totem and Talisman books and workbooks this past year. All her pupils struggled with reading and have various profiles of learning difficulties. These include speech and language difficulties, specific learning difficulties, emotional difficulties […]

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Why is Continuous Professional Development important and what makes it effective?

Quality Continuous Professional Development are one of the proven ways for raising standards in our schools.  So many times one has been to inset days that have left no impact and have not changed the way we teach.   Here is a great post by Joe Kirby why CPD is important and what is effective CPD.  http://pragmaticreform.wordpress.com/2013/06/01/cpd/  

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Literacy equals status, influence and power. What’s new since Pompeii?

This weekend I visited British Museum to see the Pompeii exhibition.  It is wonderful.  One of the most beautiful frescoes on display is that of a baker Terentius Neo and his wife.  They must have had quite a successful bakery. To show their status and aspirations they are depicted with writing tablets, stylus and papyrus.  The guide […]

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Fantastic reading progress with Year 1 pupil in 5 months

A tutor wrote in to tell us about her pupil. She has been working with him since December (for five and a half months) using the Sounds-Write programme and the Dandelion Books that complement it. She wrote: “He is in Year 1 and when he came to me at the end of December he had […]

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Struggling readers – in praise of practice and consolidation

We know that any newly acquired knowledge or skill must to be practised for it to be committed to memory. In order to develop reading fluency, automaticity has to be established. This is brought about through practice and consolidation. Sometimes, teachers worry about boring their pupils by revisiting what they have taught. For many pupils, […]

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How to use the Pupil Premuim to raise literacy achievement of pupils in KS2

In 2013-2014, children on free school meals will be eligible for £900.00 Pupil Premium funding.  This initiative aims to bridge the academic attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers. This is a great opportunity to purchase resources for SEN pupils! Ofsted will be looking for a clear demonstration of the effectiveness of the use of the Pupil […]

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How to use the Pupil premium funding for improving literacy attainment in KS1

In 2013-2014 every pupil on free school meals will be eligible for £900.00 of Pupil Premium funding.  These funds are intended to help disadvantaged pupils catch-up in their academic achievement. Ofsted will be looking for a clear demonstration of the effectiveness of the use of the Pupil Premium.  They will be expecting to see progress in academic […]

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