Phonic Books get thumbs up in Ofsted report

The Sounds-Write training programme has recently had a very successful Ofsted report.  The inspectors also commented on the resources promoted and displayed as part of the training.  Part of these resources were Phonic Books  decodable reading books. Here is what the inspectors said about them: “The materials in the Sound-Write programme are clearly designed for regular periods […]

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"How Phonics Got Framed" – a coherent explanation of the phonics debate – a must for teachers

Teachers and parents interested in the phonics debate will want to see this You Tube video clip by Alison from spelfabet.   Informed, measured, amusing  and true!

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Phonic Books in Masailand – see pics

 Last November a troupe of Masai singers and dancers visited Malmesbury and performed in the ancient Abbey. Funds raised were to go to a new school 30 miles outside Nairobi in Kenya. Wendy Tweedie, Director of Phonic Books Ltd, of Cross Hayes, Malmesbury attended the performance and was inspired to donate a large box of […]

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‘Alba Series’, decodable books for dyslexic girls – see phonic progression

We are very excited about our brand new ‘Alba Series’.  So many resources are aimed at dyslexic boys.  The ‘Alba Series’  is specifically designed for older girls who  are struggling with reading.   It will be available in March 2013.   To see the phonic progression of the series click here: Watch this space as we will be able to show […]

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New phonic reading series for older girls – available in March 2013!

We are delighted to announce that our new phonic series for girls will be available in March 2013!  The new Alba series is aimed at older girls who are struggling with reading.   Most of the reading materials published for this age-group are created to appeal to boys.  This series is specifically designed to appeal to girls.  It has a strong, if […]

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A big thank you to all the teachers who sent testimonials for the Magic Belt Series.

A big thank you to all the teachers who sent us testimonials for the Magic Belt Series.  With your help, the series has been shorlisted for the SEN Education Awards 2013.  Much appreciated as we know how busy you are!  We thought others might be interested to read some of them.

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Magic Belt Series shorlisted for Educational Resources Award 2013

We are delighted to announce that the Magic Belt Series has been shortlisted for the BESA (British Educational Suppliers Association) Educational Resources Award for 2013.  This product is a finalist in the Best Special Education Award category.   The winner of the award will be declared at the gala dinner at the National Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham […]

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New buzz word for ‘tricky words’ in the new National Curriculum

This week I learned from Susan Godsland  that the new term for ‘tricky words’ in the new National Curriculum is ‘common exception’ words.  This term that is rather confusing.  Firstly, why exception?  Exception from what?  Secondly, as Susan pointed out – it is not the word that is tricky/complex/ irregular/exceptional.  It is the part of the word – the […]

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Why is the term ‘tricky words’ tricky?

The term ‘tricky words’ is used for some common high-frequency words that a beginner reader may encounter.   For example words like ‘the’ or ‘said’.  These words have complex spellings (graphemes) that the child may not yet have learned.  Because these words are so common,  there is need in the early stages of reading to provide children […]

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How decodable books can expand vocabulary

Critics of synthetic phonics have claimed that the language of phonic reading books (decodable books) limits children’s vocabulary. Instead of enriching their vocabulary, they read about a ‘cat’ that ‘sat on a mat’. To this, I would say, “Have you seen the variety of decodable books that publishers have produced in recent years? Many of them […]

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