‘Sound it out’

Reading decodable book

What do we mean by ‘sound it out’ and what does it entail? When a child gets stuck on a word we often remind them to ‘sound it out’. As fluent readers, we assume this is very straightforward. We recognise these words automatically and skip all the stages that beginner readers need to go through […]

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The love of reading non-fiction books

How not to get eaten

All too often, our classroom libraries offer a wonderful selection of fiction but only a limited amount of non-fiction.  Why should we ensure that children have access to a wonderful range of non-fiction books? 1. Non-fiction books are fun Firstly, because so many non-fiction books published today are an absolute joy to read. With amazing […]

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Illiteracy linked to poor mental health

Kids hands on books

During mental health week, we think it is important to highlight the link between mental health and illiteracy. Illiteracy causes poor life outcomes, poor health, depression and poverty leading to crime. The Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Therapies at the University of East Anglia (UEA) has just reported on the global problem of poor […]

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Moon Dogs Extras – Independent Review

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Ann Sullivan of Phonics for Pupils with Special Educational Needs is an experienced SEND teacher, who has created her own phonics programme specifically for SEND children. This is what she has to say about our latest set of Books: Moon Dogs Extras for Catch-Up Readers. If there is one question I am asked more than […]

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Can SEND children learn to read with phonics?

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Here at Phonic Books we have been publishing decodable books for beginner and catch-up readers for seventeen years. During those years we attended many conferences and education shows. When discussing whether our books were suited to students with SEND, we always deferred to the teachers working in SEND settings. While we were confident teaching dyslexic […]

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What is reading? – What I should have learnt in teacher training


When I trained to be a teacher in one of the best universities in London, I learned a great deal about the wonderful world of books, how to select quality picture books and spot racially biased books, and even how to make books by stitching them together by hand. We made book covers using potato […]

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More children with Language Impairment than Dyslexia – must watch video clips

Did you know that Language Impairment is more common than Dyslexia or Autism?  I didn’t. One child in every classroom will have Language Impairment.  These short and informative video clips from the RALLI (Raising Awareness of Language Learning Impairment) campaign are really helpful for teachers, Sencos, TA’s, parents and children.  They  shed light on this disability.  A must for […]

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Speech pathologists comment on Totem and Talisman Series

We received this lovely email this week from Australia: “Hi, We are a private practice of 3 speech pathologists and we just wanted to let you know that the Totem and Talisman Series are awesome!!! Our reluctant readers now love books, some of them finishing a whole series in one day. They have discovered a […]

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