Uplifting You Tube clip for dyslexic teenagers

If  you are teaching dyslexic teenagers, or if you are a parent or carer of a dyslexic teenager struggling with literacy, you might want to share this You Tube clip with them. Very uplifting! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaR70gTHOnY  

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Alba Series – FAQs

Here are frequenty asked questions aswered about the brand new Alba Series: Who is it for? The Alba series is aimed at older catch-up pupils who have gaps in their phonic knowledge.  It is suitable for pupils in KS2 and KS3.  With a strong female protagonist, it will be suitable for both boys and girls.  Girls will […]

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Alba Series – now available!

Alba series is a phonic reading series for older, catch-up pupils.  Fantastic age-appropriate stories and illustrations will engage both boys and girls.  What makes this series unique is the strong female protagonist.  Alba is smart and capable.  She has a huge task.  Having been shrunk to the size of a coffee cup, she has a […]

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Sneak preview of Alba Series

Alba Series  for older girls who are struggling with reading is now in the last stages of production.  It will be available in March.  Watch this space!  In the meantime here is an inside page from the series. Special features in the series: – clear phonic focus (spellings of ‘ae’ in this book) – 3-4 lines of text for […]

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Speech pathologists comment on Totem and Talisman Series

We received this lovely email this week from Australia: “Hi, We are a private practice of 3 speech pathologists and we just wanted to let you know that the Totem and Talisman Series are awesome!!! Our reluctant readers now love books, some of them finishing a whole series in one day. They have discovered a […]

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What a teacher and her pupils say about the Magic Belt Series

This week, we received the below email from a teacher named Anne, in response to our request for testimonials on the new Magic Belt series. She reported impressive reading progress with her pupils using the Totem and Talisman series.

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‘Alba Series’, decodable books for dyslexic girls – see phonic progression

We are very excited about our brand new ‘Alba Series’.  So many resources are aimed at dyslexic boys.  The ‘Alba Series’  is specifically designed for older girls who  are struggling with reading.   It will be available in March 2013.   To see the phonic progression of the series click here: https://www.phonicbooks.co.uk/alba-series.php Watch this space as we will be able to show […]

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New phonic reading series for older girls – available in March 2013!

We are delighted to announce that our new phonic series for girls will be available in March 2013!  The new Alba series is aimed at older girls who are struggling with reading.   Most of the reading materials published for this age-group are created to appeal to boys.  This series is specifically designed to appeal to girls.  It has a strong, if […]

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A big thank you to all the teachers who sent testimonials for the Magic Belt Series.

A big thank you to all the teachers who sent us testimonials for the Magic Belt Series.  With your help, the series has been shorlisted for the SEN Education Awards 2013.  Much appreciated as we know how busy you are!  We thought others might be interested to read some of them.

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Boys two and a half times more likely to have SEN statements in primary school – recent SEN stats

Below is some recent data released in October 2012 by the Secretary of State about SEN children in England.  It is based on a number of sources dating 2006-2011.  This information was published in SNIP newsletter December issue (no. 257):

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