Two new workbooks to complement the Magic Belt Series

For all those who have been anticipating the workbooks that complement the new Magic Belt Series – two new workbooks are in the last stages of production! These are comprehensive workbooks that will really build up the reading skills of an older, ‘catch-up’ pupils. 

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Should Systematic Synthetic Phonics be denied to our weakest readers?

The DfE has carefully approved and selected phonics programmes and resources for mainstream classrooms and ‘catch-up’ pupils according to strict synthetic phonics criteria.  These are featured in the DfE Phonics Match-Funding catalogue.  This follows the Jim Rose report that concludes that Systematic Synthetic Phonics is the best method of teaching children to read. Next we hear that the DfE has […]

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New Magic Belt workbooks soon available!

For those of you who have been anticipating the Magic Belt Workbook – there is good news!  Two new workbooks are currently in production.  They will be available this Autumn. The first of these workbooks is called the Introductory Workbook.  It is aimed at older, ‘catch-up’ pupils who have weak sound/letter knowledge.  It introduces the […]

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Hurrah! Magic Belt out now!

Hurrah!  The Magic Belt series for older, beginner readers is now available.  This quest-like series will teach, engage and enthuse older, struggling readers in KS1 and KS2. It is not in our catalogue or on our website yet but if you would like to order ahead of time contact or call 07711 963355 to get […]

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Magic Belt Series out in September

Hurrah! At last our new series for beginner, struggling readers is at the printers.  It will be ready for pupils in September.  This is a prequel to the Totem series.  It offers a phonic reading scheme for pupils who would benefit from starting a phonic programme from the very beginning but looks like a quest […]

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How to use the Pupil Premium

Now that the DfE will be allocating £2.5 bn a year to schools to raise achievement of disadvantaged pupils, schools will be looking how to make the best use of these funds. We know that the need is there.  Now that funds are available, is it important that they reach the target pupils and – […]

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Pupil Premium – FAQ’s

“Britain has one of the widest and most entrenched education attainment gaps between poor and wealthier children in Europe…. Children from low income backgrounds are half as likely to get five good grades at GCSE as their classmates. … They are more likely to leave school at 16, more likely to become Neets (not in […]

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NEWS: Talisman 2 Series out now!

NEWS: Talisman 2 Series out now! Teachers and pupils have been writing to us asking about the next Talisman Series. It has now been published and is available! The Talisman 2 workbook will be available in September 2011. This new series includes some really useful spellings and suffixes for the older, reluctant readers.

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Totem Series reviewed

The Totem Series has just been reviewed in SNIP, Special Needs Information Press. This is a really useful publication full of a wealth of information and resources for Special Needs teachers.

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