Moon Dogs reviewed by SNIP

Special Needs Information Press has just published a review of the Moon Dogs series in the June newsletter. Here is a summary for busy teachers: “The Moon Dog series consists of two sets of eight books, all with modern storylines involving a group of teenage friends. There are excellent illustrations to bring the stories to […]

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Totem, Talisman and Alba now on Accelerated Reader in the UK

We are delighted to announce that our books for older, struggling readers are now on Accelerated Reader in the UK.  The Magic Belt is in the process of having a quiz developed.  This is great news as it combines decoding and comprehension!  Who says that decoding and comprehension are incompatible?

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Should we dispense with the D word? – a way forward

This clear article, by Kevin Wheldall, Anne Castles and Mandy Nayton, explains the controversy created by the Joe Elliott and Elena Grigorenko  in their recent  book ‘The Dyslexia Debate’ and suggests a sensible way forward.  

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Hallmarks of a good reading intervention programme

If you are considering a reading intervention programme, here is what a good one should look like: Thanks to Cathy Saunders who wrote this article and to Susan Godsland of  for flagging it up.

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Struggling reader – reads paperbacks!

Some months ago I wrote about my struggling reader.  He came to the Bloomfield Learning Centre at the age of 10+ with a reading age of 6. Well, he crashed into my classroom (with his scooter) after Christmas announcing he had read two books over the holidays – ‘Holes’ and ‘Wonder’.  Amazing! And true!  He has […]

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