SNIP review of Magic Belt Series: "will help stimulate struggling readers to want to read.”

Special Education Information Press has just reviewed the Magic Belt series in its November issue.  It concludes: “This is another well-produced series of books which will help stimulate struggling readers to want to read.”

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Magic Belt Series – Reviewed by Teach Primary – verdict: Rare Reads

The Magic Belt series has just been reviewed for the first time by John Dabell at Teach Primary.  He summarises with his verdict – the books are ‘Rare Reads’ as they successfully and thoughtfully address a much neglected need for decodable age-appropriate reading materials for older pupils. 

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The importance of age-appropriate phonic reading material for ‘catch-up’ pupils

When older pupils, who are struggling with literacy, come to the learning centre where I teach, they often have low self-esteem.  Offering them babyish looking books will compound their sense of failure.  If they are given books that young primary school children are reading, what does that say about them?

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Magic Belt Workbooks now available!

At last our much awaited Magic Belt workbooks are in stock!  There are two workbooks: 1. The Introductory Workbook prepares the pupil for reading the Magic Belt Series.  It is for children who have weak letter/sound correspondences.  It starts with wordbuilding CVC words with the sounds of the alphabet. 2. The Magic Belt Workbook complements the […]

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Two new workbooks to complement the Magic Belt Series

For all those who have been anticipating the workbooks that complement the new Magic Belt Series – two new workbooks are in the last stages of production! These are comprehensive workbooks that will really build up the reading skills of an older, ‘catch-up’ pupils. 

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Phonic Code video clip just passed 100,000 clicks

Our free video,  ‘Sounds of the English Phonic Code’ on You tube has had more than 100,000 clicks.   It is handy for training teachers, TAs and parents in the spellings and precise pronunciation of the 44 sounds in the English Language. Our ‘Pip Phonics’ video that is also free on You tube and covers the […]

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New Magic Belt workbooks soon available!

For those of you who have been anticipating the Magic Belt Workbook – there is good news!  Two new workbooks are currently in production.  They will be available this Autumn. The first of these workbooks is called the Introductory Workbook.  It is aimed at older, ‘catch-up’ pupils who have weak sound/letter knowledge.  It introduces the […]

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Hurrah! Magic Belt out now!

Hurrah!  The Magic Belt series for older, beginner readers is now available.  This quest-like series will teach, engage and enthuse older, struggling readers in KS1 and KS2. It is not in our catalogue or on our website yet but if you would like to order ahead of time contact or call 07711 963355 to get […]

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Magic Belt Series out in September

Hurrah! At last our new series for beginner, struggling readers is at the printers.  It will be ready for pupils in September.  This is a prequel to the Totem series.  It offers a phonic reading scheme for pupils who would benefit from starting a phonic programme from the very beginning but looks like a quest […]

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Dandelion Books chosen as TES ‘Resource of the week’

Our customers have alerted us to the fact that Dandelion Books have been chosen as English ‘Resource of the Week’ (11th May 2012) in the online TES review section. Hurray!  To read the review visit:

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