News & Information

There is enough evidence to eliminate illiteracy

Here is an excerpt from thinkreadtweet blog.  It expresses the our view so well.  Thank you. “What have I learned? That there is already enough evidence for us to know how to eliminate illiteracy, but that it is largely ideology that prevents us from doing so. That empirically tested methods of instruction enable failing readers […]

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Knowledge is the core of richer understanding

“How does one get a rich understanding? By relating what you are reading to other material that you already know.”  Dandelion Willingham article: This means that to broaden children’s comprehension we need to teach them vocabulary and loads of history, geography, science, literature etc. Then they can relate what they are reading to what […]

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Can comprehension instruction damage our pupils?

A great deal has be said and written about the importance teaching children comprehension once they are fluent readers.  Well, here is an interesting article by Daniel Willingham about the limited benefits of comprehension instruction. Thank you Susan Godsland of for flagging this up.  

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