Pronunciation and the development of vocabulary


We all mispronounce words from time to time, especially when they are unfamiliar to us. Speech and Language Pathologist Miriam Fein explores the important link between pronunciation and the development of vocabulary. Every once in a while someone starts a thread on Twitter about words that they mispronounced for a long time because they only encountered […]

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The love of reading non-fiction books

How not to get eaten

All too often, our classroom libraries offer a wonderful selection of fiction but only a limited amount of non-fiction.  Why should we ensure that children have access to a wonderful range of non-fiction books? 1. Non-fiction books are fun Firstly, because so many non-fiction books published today are an absolute joy to read. With amazing […]

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How to support children in reading complex texts


Here at Phonic Books we usually discuss how to help children to learn to decode and become fluent readers. But as The Reading Rope shows (see graphic below) – decoding, or word recognition is only the first part of the story. I like the metaphor describing the impact of teaching systematic phonics: it will get […]

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