Why we all need to be able to read nonsense words

Here is a very logical, straightforward explanation why we all need to be able to read nonsense words.  Spelfabet website beautifully and simply concludes that “nonsense words = words we haven’t yet met”. Why wouldn’t we want to teach children a skill that would help them read words they haven’t yet met? http://www.spelfabet.com.au/2012/12/nonsense-words/ This article was flagged up by […]

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Why non-words should be included in the Year 1 Phonics Check

Non-words are nonsense words made up of the spellings (graphemes) a child has already been taught: words like ‘bip’, ‘steg’ or ‘shromp’. Read more to find out why non-words should be included in the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check.

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