Pip Phonics – Sounds of the Alphabet

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pip+phonics&aq=f]Phonicbooks have just made a free video clip of Pip, the ant, demonstrating the sounds of the alphabet. We thought it would be a good idea to use the characters in Dandelion Books to enthuse our young readers. This is free for teachers and parents; a great way to practise precise pronunciation or ‘pure sounds’ […]

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Why the ‘A, B, C’ song is not helpful to beginner readers

Many young children learn to sing the ‘A, B, C’ song in nursery or at home. This song teaches them the names and the order of the letters of the alphabet. It’s a great way to store the alphabetic order of letters in our long-term memories. I still use the alphabet song when using a […]

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